SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Radek (M)>

Radek (male)

Variants:Radan (M) Radeček (M) Radík (M) Radko (M) Radoś (M) Radoušek (M) Radu (M)
Pet Name for:Radoslav (M) Radosław (M)
Feminine form:Rada (F)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP

Slavonic pet name for a number of Polish, Czech and Russian forenames beginning with the element Rad-, from Old Slavonic "glad".

There are several variants of this pet name which we have listed, above.  Some are only used in one or other of the Slavonic countries but note that we have not been able to differentiate which apply to specific languages in every case.