SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Jabez (M)>

Jabez (male)

Can be spelt:Jabes (M)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
Personal communication [GGMcC]

English. A Biblical name, probably meaning "sorrowful" or "born of sorrow"; OT 1 Chronicles 4:9.

Jabez was very popular among Puritans and Dissenters in 17th century England and for some time thereafter, but is less common today.

A correspondent [GGMcC] reports the name Jabes in a parish register in the English Midlands. It isn't certain whether this is a misreading of Jabus [q.v.], an abbreviation for Jacobus, or a clerk's spelling of Jabez. We favour the latter.