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Colmán (M)>

Colmán (male)

Variants:Colombain (M) Columbano (M) Kálmán (M) Kolman (M)
Derivative(s):Coleman (M)
Lesser Synonym(s):Calum (M) Colm (M)
Feminine form:Colombe (F) Colombitia (F) Columbine (F)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
Private communication [CW]

Irish Gaelic, Colmán is derived from the Late Latin name Columbanus, from "dove". There were many Saints of this name in early Irish history. The English form has no accent: Colman.

Other Gaelic names derived from the same source include Calum and Colm but there is no indication that these are interchangeable. We class these as lesser synonyms.

The female forms are Columbine (English), Colombe (French) and Colombitia (Italian).