SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Alistair (M)>

Alistair (male)

Synonym(s):Alexander (M)
Diminutive(s):Ali (M) Ally (M) Aly (M)
Can be spelt:Alasdair (M) Alastair (M) Alaster (M) Alisdair (M) Alister (M) Allaster (M)
Masculine form:Alina (F)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
"Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG
Clan MacLean Website

Personal communication [EO]


A Scottish Gaelic form of Alasdair/Alexander, from Greek "defender" or "helper".

The Clan MacLean Website gives Ailig as a Gaelic spelling of Alec and Alex, pet names for Alexander. Ailig may therefore be a pet name for Alasdair and its spelling variants.