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Abe (M)>

Abe (male)

Variants:Abie (M)
Diminutive(s):Abele (M)
Pet Name for:Abraham (M) Ebenezer (M)
Derivative(s):Abeles (S) Abelevitz (S) Abells (S) Abelov (S) Abelovitz (S) Abilowicz (S) Ableson (S)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
"Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG

Jewish Talmudic personal name meaning "father".

Abe is generally used as a pet name for Abraham, Hebrew "father of many" although it can be a given name in its own right, when it has a diminutive form Abele.  It may also, according to Whyte, be found as a pet name for Ebenezer, Hebrew "stone of help".

Several East Ashkenazic Jewish patronymic surnames have been derived from Abe via the diminutive form Abele; see Abelson.