SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Sarray (F)>

Sarray (female)

Variants:Sarah (F)
Can be spelt:Sary (F)
Personal communication [MH]

A correspondent [MH] has reported this spelling variant of Sarah occurring in two generations of one family, grand-mother and grand-daughter, in the 1841 Census of Argyllshire. The grandmother's name is variously spelt as Sarray or Sarah and it is interesting to note that the former spelling reflects back to the original name of Abraham's wife Sarai, the precursor of Marion or Sarah.

A few cases are found in the 1881 Census of Scotland, apparently originating in Ireland where the Gaelic Sorcha is variously Anglicized as Sarah or Sally. However we have no information whether there is a direct link to Sarray.