SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Sandra (F)>

Sandra (female)

Variants:Saundra (F)
Diminutive for:Alessandra (F) Cassandra (F)
Pet Name(s):Sandy (F)
Pet Name for:Alexandra (F)
Derivative(s):Sondra (F)
Masculine form:Sandro (M)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
"Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG
Private communication [MT]

English and Italian.

In Italian Sandra is a diminutive of Alessandra, the Italian form of Alexandra, from Greek "defender" or "helper". Originally a diminutive, it is now frequenly a given name.

In English Sandra, as well as being a pet name for Alexandra, is also a diminutive for Cassandra of unknown origin. It is now popular as a given name in its own right.