SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Maria (F)>

Maria (female)

Variants:Màili (F) Mair (F) Máire (F) Màiri (F) Máiria (F) Mari (F) Mariah (F) Mariamne (F) Marian (F) Marianne (F) Marie (F) Marion (F) Marjan (F) Marya (F) Meir (F) Miren (F)
Diminutive(s):Mariel (F) Mariella (F) Marieta (F) Marietta (F) Ria (F)
Pet Name(s):Maaike (F) Mai (F) Maike (F) Maiken (F) Maj (F) Maja (F) Mania (F) Maniuta (F) Marica (F) Marieka (F) Marieke (F) Marielle (F) Mariet (F) Mariëtte (F) Marije (F) Marijke (F) Marika (F) Mariquita (F) Marita (F) Marlieke (F) Maruja (F) Marzena (F) Mia (F) Micke (F) Mie (F) Miek (F) Mieke (F) Miep (F) Mimi (F) Minnie (F) Mitzi (F) Rianne (F) Riet (F) Rita (F)
Derivative(s):Giammaria (M) Mabel (F) Maica (F) Maite (F) Maribel (F) Maribella (F) Marigold (F) Marijse (F) Maripepa (F) Maripili (F) Marirosa (F) Marisa (F) Marisol (F) Marlies (F) Mary (F) Milena (F)
Derivative of:Miriam (F)
Can be spelt:Marea (F) Moriah (F)
Masculine form:Mario (M) Marius (M)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
"Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG
Private communications [WBB and TL3]

Latinate form of Mary [q.v.], found throughout Europe, derived from the Hebrew Biblical name Miriam/Mariamne [q.v.], which is of uncertain origin; OT Exodus 15:20.

Most variants and pet names are included here under Maria. However some are English and connected specifially to Mary and can be found there.

Maria is popular in Catholic countries and many Protestant European countries. In Spanish the stress is on the second syllable: María.

This name and Marie may also be used for boys, usually as a middle name or the second part of a compount name.

In old documents in Latin, Maria is invariably used for Mary, with appropriate case endings.

One correspondent [WBB] has found a mother and daughter, both named Maria, being recorded as Marion in the 1861 Census.  These are probably not widely-used variants but should be noted.

Many of the variants and pet names shown above are specifically Dutch and Flemish, notified by another correspondent [TL3].  This illustrates the variability of the name and its usage throughout European culture due to the religious connections.