SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Hessy (F)>

Hessy (female)

Can be spelt:Hessie (F)
Personal communication [MW]

Irish, Scottish and English.

A correspondent [MW] has researched this name and found some 120 examples of Hessy and Hessie in the UK Census from 1841 to 1901. Of these about 40% were born in Ireland and most of the rest in Scotland.

We are unsure how Hessie/Hessy relates to other names. We have considered that it may be a mis-read or a substitute for Hettie/Hetty, a pet name for Hester. There are many entries i various Internet sites but we have not yet foundan origin. If anyone has definite information, please let us know via the Contact Us button on the left.