SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Eola (F)>

Eola (female)

No relationships
Private correspondents [ES3 and JAB]

This name was sent to us by a correspondent in Canada [ES3].  We were unable to determine a source or a meaning but another correspondent [JAB] suggested that it could be derived from the Ancient Greek "Aeolus, god of the four winds".  As a given name it might have meant "changeable".  The Latin form would have been Æolus with Æola being the feminine version.

The initial diphthong could have been phonetically converted to "E" in recent years, especially in northern America.

We don't know if this is the origin of the name nor if "changeable" is a reasonable interpretation.  However the Ancient Greeks did think the wind was not to be relied on, a bit "capricious"!!