SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Emma (F)>

Emma (female)

Diminutive(s):Emmet (F)
Pet Name(s):Emm (F) Emmie (F) Emmy (F)
Pet Name for:Emily (F)
Derivative(s):Emmet (M)
Derivative of:Ermintrude (F) Irmgard (F)
Lesser Synonym(s):Emeline (F) Irma (F)
Source(s): "Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG

English, from Old German "universal", also a pet name for a number of medieval names starting Em-/Erm-/Irm-. The modern equivalents of some of these names are listed, above. Irma was similarly derived and we have therefore classed it as a lesser synonym.

The name Emma was introduced into Britain by Emma, daughter of Richard I, Duke of Normandy in 1002.

Often used in combination with other forenames, (e.g. Emma Louise), Emma is also used as a pet name for some current names, such as Emily, although there is no established connection between them apart from usage.