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Cecily (F)>

Cecily (female)

Variants:Cäcilie (F) Cecil (F) Cécile (F) Cecilia (F) Cicely (F) Síle (F) Sìleas (F) Silja (F) Sissel (F)
Pet Name(s):Cessie (F) Cis (F) Cissie (F) Cissy (F) Sessie (F) Sessy (F) Sis (F) Sissy (F)
Derivative of:Caecilia (F)
Can be spelt:Cicilly (F) Cicily (F)
Masculine form:Cecil (M)
Source(s): English Parish Register
FreeCEN 1841 Census of Aberdeenshire
The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
"Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG

English, via Cecilia from the feminine of Caecilius, a Roman family name, from Latin "blind".

Caecilia was used in old documents for Cecily and Cecilia. Searching on Cecil* and Caecili* should find all these spelling variations, including Latin case endings.

Cecily does not occur in the 1841 Census of Aberdeenshire wheras the spellings Cicely and Cicily were used, albeit rarely.